Guest Package Handling
The UPS Store S Florida Ave
The staff of The UPS Store Print & Business Center manages the loading dock for the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel and is responsible for the movement, both inbound and outbound, of the majority of guest, meeting related and exhibitor packages and freight within the hotel. We pride ourselves on our accuracy and timeliness in handling this process.
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Guest & Events Receiving
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Exhibitor Drayage
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Shipping Services
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Packaging Services
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Office Equipment Rentals
Located Inside The Marriott Water Street Hotel
Hours of Operation

Guest Package Handling
Whether it be a letter from home delivered by the United States Postal Service or an urgent contract from your office shipped in via UPS Next Day Air or 40 boxes of convention registration materials coming in by a freight carrier, we'll efficiently receive these packages and connect them with you in a timely manner. Please click through to the Guest and Event Receiving page for details and related fees.
For those meetings and conventions that will feature a vendor exhibition within the confines of the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel and are not contracted with an outside Exhibit Decorating company to handle exhibitor drayage, The UPS Store Print & Business Center will manage and handle all exhibitor materials and freight shipped to the hotel for the event.
We offer a variety of small package and freight shipping options to meet every deadline and budget, whether it be on our shipping account or yours.
Our certified packing experts here at The UPS Store Print and Business Center can pack almost anything. We can save you time and help ensure your items arrive intact at their destination. We specialize in properly packing all those items you have collected while visiting Tampa and the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel including fragile and high-value items such as golf clubs, electronics, computers or souvenirs.
GUEST AND EVENT RECEIVING SERVICES Whether it be a letter from home delivered by the United States Postal Service or an urgent contract from your office shipped in via UPS Next Day Air or 40 boxes of convention registration materials coming in by a freight carrier, we'll efficiently receive these packages and connect them with you in a timely manner. Please click through to the Guest and Event Receiving page for details and related fees.
EXHIBITOR DRAYAGE For those meetings and conventions that will feature a vendor exhibition within the confines of the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel and are not contracted with an outside Exhibit Decorating company to handle exhibitor drayage, The UPS Store Print & Business Center will manage and handle all exhibitor materials and freight shipped to the hotel for the event.
SHIPPING SERVICES We offer a variety of small package and freight shipping options to meet every deadline and budget, whether it be on our shipping account or yours.
PACKAGING SERVICES Our certified packing experts here at The UPS Store Print and Business Center can pack almost anything. We can save you time and help ensure your items arrive intact at their destination. We specialize in properly packing all those items you have collected while visiting Tampa and the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel including fragile and high-value items such as golf clubs, electronics, computers or souvenirs.
Guest Package Handling Services
Guest & Events Receiving
The UPS Store Print and Business Center manages the receiving for the majority of packages and freight on behalf of the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel whether it be an individual letter arriving by the United States Postal Service or a pallet of convention materials for a meeting or convention occurring in the hotel arriving by common carrier.
Both UPS and FedEx Express will deliver to the hotel up to two times each weekday morning, and once on Saturdays, depending on whether they have any Early AM Express Packages. Delivery times are approximately 8:00 - 8:30 am and 10:00 - 10:30 am. The United States Postal Service delivers during the morning as well.
Our staff receives these packages, logs them and then either places them in storage if the guest is yet to arrive or delivers them to the front desk, bell stand or any other location within the hotel requested by an in house guest. Staff will leave a message on the Guest's room phone advising them they have received a package and the location from which it can be retrieved. At any time, a guest in the hotel may dial either ext. 6372 (813-204-6372) or the hotel operator to inquire as to the location of their anticipated packages.
PLEASE BE ADVISED HANDLING FEES APPLY TO ALL INCOMING PACKAGES AND FREIGHT BASED ON THE SCHEDULE BELOW. These handling fees are in addition to any shipping charges already paid and can be settled by cash, credit card or placing a charge to your room account.
PACKAGE HANDLING FOR MEETINGS AND EVENTS If you are a meeting planner shipping your event materials for an upcoming meeting or convention and choose to ship your materials direct to the hotel in advance of your event, our staff stands ready to receive and store them for you. We operate a large 2-bay truck-high loading dock area and offer secure air-conditioned storage. We also can provide cold storage if you require it, at an extra fee.
You're welcome to ship your packages or palletized freight to the hotel via UPS, FedEx, FedEx Ground or any other common carrier you prefer. It would be best to ship your packages or freight so they arrive at the hotel at least one day prior to the event. The hotel’s receiving hours are between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm daily, but can be extended with prior notice.
Please be advised Handling Fees apply to all incoming packages and freight based on the schedule below PLEASE BE ADVISED HANDLING FEES APPLY TO ALL INCOMING PACKAGES AND FREIGHT BASED ON THE SCHEDULE BELOW WITH THE EXCEPTION THAT YOU, OR OTHERS DESIGNATED BY YOU, PERSONALLY RECEIVE THE INCOMING FREIGHT AND MOVE IT DIRECTLY FROM THE VEHICLE IT ARRIVED IN TO ITS ULTIMATE DESTINATION WITH THE HOTEL. These handling fees are in addition to any shipping charges already paid and can be settled by cash, credit card or placing a charge to a room or your group's master account.
ADDRESSING YOUR PACKAGES To ensure your packages are properly recorded and ultimately delivered to you or your recipient in a timely manner, please address all packages you are shipping to the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel according to the following protocol:
Recipient's Name and Date of Arrival Recipient's Phone Number if Not a Registered Guest Organization Name Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel 700 S. Florida Avenue Tampa, FL 33602
Please follow this addressing protocol regardless whether the recipient is a registered guest in the Marriott Waterside Hotel or just here for a day attending an event.
Please do not address any items to the attention of the meeting planner (unless you are the meeting planner) or any of the Hotel’s personnel. This will only delay delivery of the materials.
Note: For security purposes, we must be able to connect a package to a specific recipient. Therefore, we reserve the right to return any package to Sender if we are unable to match the package to a present or future hotel guest or visitor. Noting the date of arrival and/or the recipient's phone number and event they're attending on the label is very helpful in this matter.
*IMPORTANT: If an Exhibit company has been contracted to manage exhibitor drayage for a specific event located either in or outside of the hotel and exhibitors are instructed to ship their freight to the Exhibit company's offsite address but instead ship it directly to the hotel, these packages and freight will be subject to Receiving Handling Fees in addition to anything to be paid to other vendors, regardless to whom they are addressed.
RECEIVING PROCESSING AND HANDLING FEES Please be advised Handling Fees apply to all incoming packages and freight based on the following schedule:
Packages up to 5 lbs........ $5.00 6-10 Pounds....................... $10.00 11+ Pounds....................... $1.00/lb Crates on Wheels............ $125.00 Pallets................................ $200.00
Fees are as of 11/1/16 and subject to change without notice.
The fees include our receiving, logging, securing, storing and delivering packages to you at the front desk, bell stand or any other location you prefer, including your guest room, meeting room or office location. Packages can be stored for up to three business days in advance of your event and two business days after your event with a daily rate equaling 10% of the Receiving Fee to be assessed for any additional days of storage beyond the three.
These fees are charged upon delivery of the package to the guest and can be billed to a guest room account, a group master account or in the event the recipient is not staying in the hotel to a credit card.
Exhibitor Drayage
Get StartedFor trade shows or exhibitions within the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel that are not contracted with an exhibit decorating company for drayage, The UPS Store Print & Business Center offers Ultimate Convenience to exhibitors shipping materials and freight to and from the hotel.
For these events, we offer a convenient drayage program to your exhibitors that will significantly improve their load-in and load-out experience by having their displays and materials at the exhibit booth location upon their arrival for set up and facilitate outbound shipping at the conclusion of the event.
The UPS Store will provide the following services for exhibitors under this program:
- Discounted Handling Fees
- Receive, register and store all incoming freight and packages
- Deliver exhibitor packages to their exhibit booth prior to setup time
- If necessary, store exhibitor containers for the duration of the exhibition
- Retrieve exhibitor packages directly from their booth location and, if necessary, expedite the outbound labeling process at the conclusion of the exhibition
- Secure, tape or wrap outbound packages and pallets
- Be present at exhibit setup and breakdown to resolve any unforeseen issues
This program is based on the individual exhibitors paying assessed Drayage Fees (please contact us if Drayage Fees will be placed on the group master account).
ADDRESSING PACKAGES AND FREIGHT Please ensure that all packages and/or freight being shipped to the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel shows the following information on the shipping label, or, in some other prominent location on the package, crate or pallet:
Exhibiting Company/Organization Name Attention: Attendee’s Name (No Hotel Staff, Please) Event/Exhibition and, if available, Booth Number c/o Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel 700 S Florida Avenue Tampa, FL 33602
Please have your exhibitors avoid addressing any items to the attention of the meeting planner or any of the Hotel’s personnel. This will only delay delivery of their materials. It will also be necessary to obtain a list of exhibitors and a map showing their booth/table location from you prior to load-in in order to facilitate delivery.
To make this happen, exhibiting companies/organizations simply need to complete an Exhibitor Material Handling Form and either fax it to The UPS Store Print & Business Center at 813-204-6373 or email it to us at ensuring we receive the form prior to receiving the packages or freight.
PLEASE NOTE: That if we do not have this completed form prior to receiving the materials, and/or if the address labels do not contain all the addressee information as indicated above, we will be unable to deliver any packages to the exhibit hall until the exhibitor’s onsite representative personally requests the packages.
Please do not address any items to the attention of the meeting planner or any of the Hotel’s personnel. This will only delay delivery of the materials.
APPLICABLE FEES There will be a handling fee assessed on each package or case at the rate of $1.35 per pound with a minimum charge of $10.00 and a maximum charge of $135.00 per item. Regardless of weight, crates or containers on 4 or more wheels, will be charged at $250.00 and pallets at $400.00. This will be a one-time charge covering both inbound and outbound handling and is assessed based on each individual incoming package, case, crate or palette. Any item requiring more than three days of storage may be subject to a storage fee of up to $.25 per pound per incremental day.
Shipping Services
All Shipping & Packing ServicesWe offer a variety of small package and freight shipping options to meet every deadline and budget, whether it be on our shipping account or yours. Please click through to the Shipping & Packing page to view your options and fees.
Packaging Services
All Shipping & Packing ServicesOur certified packing experts here at The UPS Store Print and Business Center can pack almost anything. We can save you time and help ensure your items arrive intact at their destination. We specialize in properly packing all those items you have collected while visiting Tampa and the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel including fragile and high-value items such as golf clubs, electronics, computers or souvenirs. Please click through to the Shipping & Packing page to view your options and fees.
Office Equipment Rentals
Don't ship your printers, copiers or faxes!
The UPS Store Print & Business Center offers daily rentals on all the equipment and technology you will need during the course of your meeting or event here in Tampa.
We offer black and white or color high-speed copiers and printers that can be placed anywhere in the hotel for any length of time.
Here’s why you should rent a copier or printer or fax from The UPS Store Print & Business Center:
- Of course we’re right here on site, so if you should have any issues with the equipment, we can resolve it promptly.
- Though it would be more orderly with a few day’s advanced notice, we can have equipment set up and operating for you with extremely short notice, subject to availability.
- We have additional equipment on site, so backup is extremely convenient and prompt.
- We can bill the rental to your hotel master account resulting in much more organized accounting for your event.
- We always include copy paper in the rental which would eliminate the need to either ship or purchase paper from an outside source.
- We have the expertise to configure a network connection if you wish to use the equipment as a printer or scanner.
- Renting the equipment from us will automatically entitle you to discounts on any on-site copying and printing you may need during the duration of the rental.
- And, our rental prices are extremely competitive with generous daily copy allowances – see attached Rental Agreement for details.
Give us a call at 813-204-6372 or click Get Started to download, complete and forward to us the Office Equipment Rental Agreement and we'll get you set up and operating.