Shredding Services

The UPS Store Tacoma

Your personal and business documents are your business. When it comes time to destroy confidential information, you need to turn to someone you can trust.

To help safeguard your confidential information, paper shredding services available at your local The UPS Store location are just the thing you need to help you with protecting, securing and disposing of personal and proprietary documents. Come to us for paper shredding as well as disposal of destroyed documents.

Ready to shred?
Contact us today to ask about how our shredding services can help you.

Hours of Operation

Store Hours - Open 7 Days
UPS Air Pickup Times
UPS Ground Pickup Times
Close up of document being placed in shredding bin

Document Shredding Services in Tacoma, WA

Dispose of your personal and business documents at The UPS Store in Tacoma, WA using one of the leading document destruction vendors, Iron Mountain® .

Shred your items to help protect yourself and your business from identity theft. When you bring your documents in, there's no need to worry about removing staples, paper clips, rubber bands, and/or small fasteners/binders. All office paper and file folders are acceptable for shredding. When you visit, we'll weigh your documents and then you'll place them into the secured, locked shredding bin. It's that easy.

The UPS Store Tacoma offers secure shredding services for just 99¢ per pound.

Have a large quantity of paper that you need shredded? Contact us directly for help finding the best shredding solution and applicable pricing.

Shredding Services

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