Estimate Shipping Cost

The UPS Store Coal Mine Shopping Center, Littleton

* Rate reflects an estimate of transportation charges only and includes a fuel surcharge.

** Note: The actual rate for UPS Ground may be different than the rate reflected in this online calculator. Visit The UPS Store at 6732 W Coal Mine Ave Littleton, CO to determine whether your rate is different than what is reflected here.

Accessorial charges and optional services will be assessed, and may vary, at The UPS Store point of purchase. Hours may vary by retail location.

Please note: Shipping rates quoted are estimates based on the information you have supplied. Estimated shipping rates do not include Pack and Ship Guarantee, declared value coverage, duties, taxes or other non-routine customs brokerage charges. Other shipping or value-added service charges, surcharges or accessorial charges may apply and your final shipping charge may differ based on your shipper characteristics and the characteristics of, and services requested for, packages actually tendered to UPS. Estimated rates quoted here are based on UPS retail rates and do not include incentives or special programs. This calculator and the estimated rates are provided on an “as is” basis. The UPS Store, Inc., its franchisees and its affiliates are not responsible for errors in information supplied or estimates derived from your information, and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever with respect to, or any output or results of your reliance on, this calculator or its estimates.

Hours of Operation

Store Hours - Open 7 Days
UPS Air Pickup Times
UPS Ground Pickup Times

Special Offers

  • 15% Off Passport Photos!

    Going on a trip in the future? Need to renew? Or maybe you just need a second ID? We are here for you! Bring in or show this coupon for 15% off your passport photos. Exp: 12/31/2023
  • 2 Free Months of Mailbox Services with a 6 month agreement! Or 3 Free Months with a 1 year agreement!

    Perfect for personal or business use. Open a mailbox for a year, and receive three months of mailbox services for free! Get a real street address and benefit from three free months with a one year agreement! All sizes available - Large, Medium, Small and Virtual. Package notification included. New customers only. Ask an associate for more details. (Oh yeah, and built in shipping, printing, & packing discounts!)
  • 20% Off Shredding Services with this coupon only! (Cannot combine discounts)

    We are open 7 days a week (excluding holidays)! Iron Mountain shreds on-site. Eliminate your worries, we are here to help! (Please ask us for assistance to carry in if needed!)

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