Federal Apostille & Authentication

The UPS Store Nassau St- Financial District (FIDI)

We would be happy to help you get an apostille affixed to your document. The apostille will be an attachment to your document and will contain a U.S Department of State seal and stamp on it.

A federal apostille is required on documents that have a federal government officer's signature. Common documents that require a federal apostille are FBI Background Checks, Federal Aviation Documentation, name change documents, naturalization documents, and any document that has a signature from a member of a US consulate or embassy.

Documents that require a U.S Department of State Apostille have been signed by:

  • a U.S. Federal Official
  • an American Consular Officer
  • a Military Notary, Judge Advocate (10 USC 1044a), or a foreign Consul diplomatic official registered with the State Department Office of Protocol

Hours of Operation

Store Hours - Open 7 Days
UPS Air Pickup Times
UPS Ground Pickup Times
Department of State emblem

Do you need federal apostille services?

At The UPS Store Nassau St. we can take care of all of your federal apostille needs. Contact us below, email us at store4766@theupsstore.com or call today at (212) 406-9010

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